The Gathering – We come from various places and backgrounds. Some of us have had good weeks, some of us have not. We come and gather to worship and be shaped and to build community and to be reminded who we are and the work we have been called to.
Refreshments – This is not something we do just to keep stomachs from rumbling. We believe in being hospitable. We consider The Dwelling community our family and we are glad you are here. Please take time to refresh yourself and meet new friends or greet old ones. We usually pause part way through to refill our cups and plates.
Call to Worship – This draws our attention to God and reminds us why we are here. Most often this is a reading from Scripture that helps focus our hearts and minds.
Music – Music is a powerful tool. It gets inside our bones. We use music to give praise and worship to God and to declare with our mouths the things we believe or hope to believe.
Scripture Reading – We believe the Bible has things to teach us and therefore place a priority on the reading of Scripture.
God Sightings – We usually take time to ask a question like, “Where have you seen God this week?” or “What are you thankful for?” or “What has been hard this week?” as a part of our regular worship practice.
Prayer – We pray out of gratitude, we pray to confess, we pray to hear from God, we pray to align our motives, we pray to become more like Jesus.
Message/Discussion – We take time to focus on a specific passage in Scripture in hopes of learning from it. In the message we are reminded of who God is and what our response to this God should be. Currently this involves teaching and discussion amongst our people.
Communion – We celebrate communion, or the Lord’s supper or Eucharist, weekly. Communion is a sacrament or “means of grace” by which we encounter the grace of God. All people who are hungry for the grace of God are invited to participate in this time of receiving. In order to be as inclusive as possible our elements are non-alcoholic and gluten-free/vegan.
Giving – We believe in being generous and consider it an act of worship to set aside finances for the work of God. As we come forward to receive the communion elements we are invited to respond through giving. There is a box located near the front door where you can place your offering. We encourage those who have given online to touch the box as a reminder of their gift.
Benediction – We end our time with a corporate blessing. It may be a prayer or a passage of Scripture. We believe we gather in order to be sent back out into the world to do the work God has called us to. We are sent with the blessing remembering that God is with us as we go. Our final act is to sing our benediction song that is a reminder of our vision for the church and world.
For more what to expect, click here.
Our weekly announcements and pertinent information here.