Our Church

Who Are We?

We want to be a church that dwells with God, with our neighbors, and for the good of the world, or more simply, we want to be Together for the Good.

Our Vision

We want to be a Jesus-centered community living purposely present in the world, being empowered by the Spirit to seek the redemption of all things.

Our Core Commitments


Being real and honest about who we are and where we are at. Allowing room for questions, doubt, and messiness. Pursuing the authentic Jesus, not one co-opted by power or culture or even the way we were originally taught.


Giving of ourselves, whether time or money or presence or skills. Our pastors work jobs outside of the church and we meet in a shared building in order to free up money for blessing others.


Joining with others to pursue good. We partner with other local churches and organizations. We believe every person has a role to play and things to contribute in our church and community.


Being purposeful about growth and stretching ourselves. We are loved wherever we are at, but often times we need to move forward from that place in order to be who we are meant to be.